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The command is used to listen in to the surrounding environment. After the setting, the device is allowed to confidentially and
automatically answer a phone and enters listen-in state for one-way communication.
Note: If
Auto Answer Incoming Call
are set for a same phone number, only
Auto Answer Incoming Call
To implement the listen-in function, do not set
Auto Answer Incoming Call
for the phone number, or clear all function numbers
by sending
SMS text:
Monitor number 1
Monitor number 2
Send the text to the embedded SIM card phone number.
The MT90A automatically replies to the SMS: IMEI,A72,OK. It indiates that the listen-in number is set successfully.
When the preset monitor number calls the MT90A, the MT90A will answer the call automatically and enter the listen-in
state. Meanwhile, the device will not make any noise.
Phone number: A maximum of two monitor numbers can be set and each phone number contains 16 digits at most. If only one
monitor number is set, the number must be sepearated by a comma (“,”) to avoid setting failures. If no monitornumber is set,
Monitor number 1
Monitor number 2
remain blank (the default value is blank). However, the comma must be
retained.Example: 0000,A72,13844444444,13855555555
Reponding: 353358017784062,A72,OK
To clear all monitor numbers, send
Smart Sleep – A73
This command is used to enable the sleep mode function, prolonging standby time to 240 hours. In this mode, the recorder,
scheduled tracking, and location tracking functions are disabled.
SMS text:
Sleep level
Send the text to the embedded SIM card phone number.
The MT90A automatically replies to the SMS: IMEI,A73,OK. It indicates that the sleep mode is set successfully.
To enable the GPS Log or scheduled tracking function, disable the sleep mode.
When the sleep level is
(default value), disable the sleep mode.
When the sleep level is
, the tracker enters the normal sleep mode. The GSM module always works, and the GPS module
occasionally enters the sleep mode. The tracker works 25% longer in the normal sleep mode than that in the normal working
mode. The mode is not recommended for users who set the scheduled tracking at a short interval. In this way, the mode will
affect trace integrity.
When the sleep level is
, the tracker enters the deep sleep mode. If the tracker is inactive (no SOS/any triggering by a
button/incoming call/message) for 5 minutes, the GPS module stops working and the GSM and MCU modules enter the sleep
mode. The GPS/GSM/MCU module will be woken up if the tracker is activated (by SOS/any triggering by a button/incoming
call/message). After that, it will repeat above processes.
The MT90A can enter sleep mode under vibration, and vibration cannot wake the MT90A up from sleep mode.
In any condition, you can use an SMS or a GPRS command to disable the sleep mode, and then the tracker exits the sleep mode
and switches back to the normal working mode.