Causes and prevention of kickback:
• A kickback is a sudden backward
impact resulting from a jamming or
wrongly adjusted saw blade and
causes an uncontrolled saw to spring
out of the workpiece towards the
user. When the saw blade jams or
locks in the cut gap, it blocks and the
force of the motor causes it to jump
back towards the user. If the saw
blade twists in the cut or is incorrectly
aligned, the teeth of the rear edge of
the blade may lock in the workpiece,
lifting the blade out of the cut and
back towards the user. This kickback
is caused by incorrect use of the saw.
It can be prevented by suitable
precautions as described below.
• Hold the saw firmly with both
hands and hold your arms in a
position where they are able to
withstand kickbacks. Always stand
to the side of the saw blade.
bring the saw blade into line with your
body. A kickback may cause the saw
to jump backwards unexpectedly;
however, the user can control the
effects by exercising due care.
• Should the saw blade become
stuck or the sawing operation be
interrupted for any other reason,
release the ON/OFF switch and hold
the saw steady in the workpiece
until the blade has come to a
complete rest. Do not attempt to
remove the saw from the workpiece
or to pull it backwards as long as
the blade is moving or a kickback
could happen.
Locate the cause of
the saw blade’s jamming and take
appropriate measures to remedy it.
• If you wish to restart a saw whose
blade is stuck in the workpiece,
first centre the blade in the cut and
ensure that the teeth of the saw are
not locked in the workpiece.
If the
saw blade is jammed it may move out
of the workpiece or cause a kickback
when the saw is re-started.
• Ensure that larger boards are well
supported to reduce the risk of a
kickback caused by a jamming saw
Large boards may sag due to
their own weight. Boards must be
supported on both sides, both in the
vicinity of the gap and at the edge.
• Do not use blunt or damaged saw
Blades with blunt or wrongly
aligned teeth, cause excess friction
because the cut gap is too narrow,
and this in turn causes the blade to
jam and kick back..
• Before starting work, tighten the
setting devices for cut depth and
cut angle.
If the settings should shift
during sawing, the saw blade may
jam, causing a kickback.
• Take particular care when making a
„sink cut“ into a concealed area, e.g.
into an existing wall.
The sinking
saw blade may jam in concealed
objects thereby causing a kickback.
• Before use, check that the lower
guard closes properly. Do not use
the saw if the lower guard does
not move freely or does not close
immediately. Do not use the saw
f the lower guard does not
move freely or does not close
Should the saw fall to
the ground
accidentally, the lower
guard may be bent or damaged.
Open the guard with the pull-back
lever and ensure that it moves freely
and never touches the saw blade or
other parts of the saw at any cutting
angle or depth.
5453680-Handkreiss-man 30.01.14 07:17 Seite 43