The manuals for a product are included in the scope of delivery of the device on a USB stick. The manuals can
also be obtained via the Internet. Enter www.meinbergglobal.com into your browser, then enter the correspond-
ing device name in the search field at the top.
This manual contains important safety instructions for the installation and operation of the
device. Please read this manual completely before using the unit.
This device may only be used for the purpose described in this manual. In particular, the given
limits of the device must be observed. The safety of the installation in which the unit is
integrated is the responsibility of the installer!
Non-observance of these instructions can lead to a reduction in the safety of this device!
Please keep this manual in a safe place.
This manual is intended exclusively for electricians or persons trained by an electrician who are familiar with
the applicable national standards and safety rules. Installation, commissioning and operation of this device may
only be carried out by qualified personnel.
Date: 2nd September 2019