2 Introduction
This Setup Guide is a systematically structured guideline which supports you during the set-up of your Mein-
berg product.
The IMS-LNO is a 10 MHz generator card and provides sinewave signals with low phase noise at four outputs.
It has a microprocessor system which monitors the output signals and generates status signals for the manage-
ment system.
A high-quality oscillator is synchronized by the 10 MHz signal of the external reference clock and thus provides
the high-precision clock for the IMS-LNO. The microprocessor monitors the lock state of the PLL synchro-
nization circuit and the warm-up phase of the oscillator and only enables the outputs after a successful phase
synchronisation. This state is also indicated by the four status LEDs (transition from red to green). In the
phase synchronous state, the output level of the four outputs is monitored and in case of an error is signaled
by the assigned red LED.
The LANTIME firmware manual provides a complete description of all configurations and status monitoring
options of your Meinberg product.
Download link: https://www.meinbergglobal.com/download/docs/manuals/english/ltos_7-00.pdf
The IMS-LNO is an IMS module which is compatible with all systems of the IMS family. It can also be
used on any slot (MRI, ESI, I/O).
Date: October 24, 2022