Idle Mode
Selecting "Idle" deactivates the output.
Pulses Per Second, Per Min, Per Hour Modes
These modes generate pulses of defined length once per second, once per minute or once per hour. "Pulse
length" determines the pulse duration (10 msec...10 sec).
Cyclic Pulse mode - generating of periodically repeated pulses
The value of "Time" determines the time between two consecutive pulses. This cycle time must be entered as
hours, minutes and seconds. The pulse train is synchronized at 0:00 o’clock local time, so the first pulse of a
day always occurs at midnight. A cycle time of 2 seconds for example, would cause pulses at 0:00:00, 0:00:02,
0:00:04 etc. Basically it is possible to enter any cycle time between 0 and 24 hours, however usually a cycle
times that cause a constant distance between all consecutive pulses make sense.
DCF77 Marks
In "DCF77 Marks" mode the selected output simulates the telegram as transmitted by german time code trans-
mitter DCF77. The generated time code is related to the local time zone. If you want DCF simulation to
be disabled when the clock is in free running mode, you can enter the delay (given in minutes) for deactivat-
ing the DCF-Simulation with the "Timeout" value. DCF Simulation is never suspended, if the delay value is zero.
Single Shot Modus
Selecting Singls Shot generates a single pulse of defined length once per day. You can enter the time when
the pulse is generated with the "Time" value. The value "pulse length" determines the pulse duration. The pulse
duration can vary from 10 msec to 10 sec in steps of 10 msec.
Date: 24th July 2018