Manual ME-582x Series
Revision 0.9
3 Hardware
page 17
Meilhaus Electronic
(CLK) has to be supplied externally and can be max.300 kHz. With a suita-
ble external wiring the counters also can be cascaded.
All counter signals (CLK, GATE, and OUT) are opto-isolated. The counter
inputs have been designed for 24 V (R
= 3
kΩ) as used in industrial con-
trol applications. When the counters are used, U
has to be in the range
of 24
…30 V. The counter outputs are equipped with pull-up resistors (R
= 4.7
For programming the timers see chapter 4.1 on page 22.
Wiring of the Counters
Picture 9: Wiring of the counters
Output OUT_2 is designed as an “Open Collector” output, i.e. as soon
as the output is conducting (logic
“1”), the load R
is connected to
ground (GND_EXT). Logic “0” means that the output is in a high-im-
pedance state.
The polarity of the input signals (CLK_x and GATE_x) is inverted by
the opto-couplers.
All counter signals require a reference to external ground GND_EXT
(pins 9, 11, 59).