Range switch set to [Hi] range
Test Lead set: Options 1, 2 or 3
Phase-Earth loop impedance
1) Connect the GREEN lead to EARTH and the RED lead to
PHASE or plug into 13 Amp socket.
2) Supply voltage will be displayed.
3) The test will beep and automatically start when voltage is
4) Measured loop value is displayed.
5) To repeat, press the YELLOW test button.
Phase-Neutral loop impedance
Same connections to instrument as above but connect GREEN lead
to NEUTRAL and RED lead to PHASE.
Phase-Phase loop impedance
Same connections to instrument as above but connect the GREEN
lead to 2nd PHASE and the RED lead to 1st PHASE.
Bonded Metalwork Testing [Hi]
Test Lead set: OPTION 1 or 2
1) Connect the GREEN lead to the bonded metalwork.
2) Connect the RED lead to PHASE.
3) Supply voltage is displayed.
4) The test will ‘beep’ and automatically start when voltage is
5) Measured resistance value is displayed.
PFC Measurement [PFC Hi]
High current 25 A measurement.
Range switch set to [PFC Hi]
Using test lead OPTION 1, 2 or 3
, connect the test leads as
Phase-Earth PFC
GREEN lead to EARTH and the RED lead to PHASE.
Phase-Neutral PFC
GREEN lead to NEUTRAL and RED lead to PHASE.
Phase-Phase PFC
GREEN lead to 2nd PHASE and the RED lead to 1st PHASE.
1) The supply voltage is displayed and the test will beep, and
automatically start when voltage is detected.
2) Measured PFC result is displayed.