® 2G
Strona 17
Module parameters PC-settings
Enter the code assigned to the card which is placed in the module, if the card is PIN-less deselect these options.
After power PIN is automatically administered and the SIM card is seen to GSM / GPRS network.
The access code by SMS
Enter the four alphanumeric characters (from A.. With or without the digit 0 .9 national characters). This is the
code with which you can use the control module by sending SMS.
Maximum number of SMS sent within 24 hours
Protection against overload of SMS messages sent.
(There is no limit values or from 1 to 999 in 24h)
After the counter 24 is reset.
SMS Center
Please enter SMS center number. If we do not do the device
will download it automatically from the network, in which he works. It is recommended to manually enter the
number, only if the module is working in the border areas.
Module Name
The name will be sent at the beginning of each SMS text message or e-mail.
External Power