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Date and Time
The LifeCloud system can update the date and time settings via a time server
on the internet or you can set the time and date yourself.
If you select
to set the date and time from the internet, you must
then enter a standard NTP server (Network Time Protocol) via which the
settings can be obtained.
Remote Access
Here you can activate or deactivate remote access to the LifeCloud system
via the internet.
17.3. Administration
Add new user
To add a new user to the system, enter the user name in the field
Account User Name
User names must begin with a letter and contain at least three characters.
They are not case-sensitive. You cannot add two users with the same user
Enter a display name for the user. This name can be different from the
user name for the account.
Enter a password and confirm.
The password must be at least six characters long and contain a digit. Pass-
words are case-sensitive.
Create as Administrator
to provide the new user with admin-
istrator rights.
Let user access family folder
to allow the new user access
to the files and folders in the root directory
Edit User
Select an existing user whose name, password or rights you want to change.
Shut down
Here you can select
Shut down
to shut down or restart the Life-
Cloud system.
Software Updates
Here you can check if new updates are available via the internet.
Medion LifeCloud Pro
Here you can purchase a subscription to a Medion LifeCloud Pro account or
view your status with reference to a Medion LifeCloud Pro account.
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13.04.2015 16:24:13
13.04.2015 16:24:13