Taking a photo
When you can see the image in the viewer, press the shutter re-
lease down slightly.
The yellow image section markers turn red and the power light
flashes if the autofocus cannot focus on the subject.
The display features the shutter speed values, the aperture and the
ISO value, providing that an ISO value is set.
Press the shutter release all the way down to take the picture. A
tone indicates that the photo has been taken.
The photos are saved as JPEG files.
If there is a risk that the shot will be blurred, this icon
also appears
. In this case, you should hold the cam-
era still or use a tripod.
Use the Functions menu to vary the shooting settings, see page 44.
Activate the macro mode by pressing the button to
take close-ups.
86353 EN ALDI ES Content RC1.indd 38
86353 EN ALDI ES Content RC1.indd 38
07.09.2011 14:49:13
07.09.2011 14:49:13