Please read the manual first before operating this machine.
Please pay attention to the items marked in “note”.
Safety Attentions
Certain part of the game is with high voltage. Adjust the game by technician. Do not
open the game door unless maintenance or parts replacement is required.
Please switch off the power before checking and maintenance.
Please switch off the power before opening the game door.
Fire extinguisher equiment must be nearby the game.
The game must be located properly to avoid damages.
Improper Locations:
P lac e direc t ly
ex pos ed t o s uns hine
H umid area
P lac e w it h high
t emperat ure
P lac e w it h c orros s iv e
air and liguid
R ough area or plac e
w it h s t rong s hak e
P lac e w it h mas s iv e
dus t
Notes of Usage
The voltage range of the game should be 105V~115V or 215V~225V. The proper
voltage should be 110V/220V. The specific voltage accords to the date plate on the back
door of the game.
The plug must be plugged in tightly but keep the power cords not be too tight.
Please properly adjust the coin mech and the game settings when use at the first time.
Please regularly check all the functions of the game when operate.