MDT Universal Interface
MDT Universal Interface 2/4/6-fold, fl ush mounted
Universal Interface 2-fold
Flush mounted, for fl oating contacts, with LED output
Universal Interface 4-fold
Flush mounted, for fl oating contacts, with LED output
Universal Interface 6-fold
Flush mounted, for fl oating contacts, with LED output
The MDT Universal Interface is to be inserted in a wiring box or behind a push button or switch. The inputs react
depending on their programmed parameters and and send a telegram on the bus. You can connect conventional
push-buttons or auxiliary contacts (e.g. door and window contacts) to the device. The length of connection cables is
22cm. Each input can be set as a LED output and drive a low current LED.
The MDT Universal Interface includes four integrated logical modules to implement logical operations and logical
control. These logical modules interpret all the inputs plus two external objects. So you can easily create KNX/EIB
telegrams which are required in daily practice (e.g. fault telegrams or „all windows closed“).
Each input is parameterized individually via ETS3/4. The device provides extensive functions like switching of lighting,
operation of blinds and shutters, counting of pulses, debounce time, contact typ and telegram rate limitation.
The command for rising and falling edge can be defi ned independently and with the block communication object each
channel can be blocked or released. The logic module can release two telegrams after receiving a trigger signal from the
The MDT Universal Interface is a fl ush mounted device to be inserted in a wiring box or behind a push button or switch.
It has to be installed in dry rooms.
For project design and commissioning of the MDT Universal Interface it is recommended to use the ETS3f/ETS4 or later.
Please download the application software at www.mdt.de/Downloads.html
• Production in Germany, certifi ed according to ISO 9001
• To connect conventional push-buttons or window/auxiliary contacts
4 integrated logical modules
• Telegram rate limitation
• NO or NC contact operation, programmable length of button push
• Operation of blinds and shutters, 1 and 2 button operation
• Forced setting function for each output
• Operation with short/long button push and 2 objects
• Counting of pulses
• Cyclical sending of contact state programmable
• Each output can be set as 1,5mA output for low current LED
• Flush mounted (length of connection cables: 22cm)
• Dimensions (W x H x D): 41mm x 41mm x 12mm
• Integrated bus coupling unit
• 3 years warranty
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MDT technologies GmbH
51766 Engelskirchen
Papiermühle 1
Tel.: + 49 - 2263 - 880
Fax: + 49 - 2263 - 4588
Stand: 0213
TAW Cert