Hold down the metal lever arm to take up the force of the spring.
Push the HRU back then upwards out of the slot in the lever arm.
When the rear clip disengages slowly release the lever arm.
The HRU with its breakable rod can now be lifted free and replaced.
Using pliers, remove the rear E-clip and slide off the old HRU.
Fit he new HRU over the new rod, with its label facing outward.
Refit the washer and the rear E-clip. ensure rod moves freely.
Mark the HRU with an expiry date 2 years into the future.
Slide the HRU into the slot in the lever arm and push lever arm down.
Look under the spring and check that the washer is fully engaged.
Slide EPIRB into D-shaped foot on lever arm, switches outermost.
Refit cover by engaging hole over rod and then snapping into place.
Refit R-clip through top of rod.
On side of cover, remove old HRU expiry date and mark new date.
10.3. Battery replacement
The EPIRB uses a 9V Lithium battery pack, McMurdo type 82-140. Typically this will have
expiry date has been reached
ency situation
to be replaced every 5 years. The exact battery expiry date is marked on the rear of the EPIRB
lens dome and if you have a full enclosure it is also marked on the outside of the enclosure.
The battery expiry date should be checked regularly. You will need to replace the battery
The EPIRB has been used in an emerg
A false activation exceeds 2 hours of use.