How to Operate the MC126
How to Operate the MC126
Power On
To have the MC126 turn On or Off when a multichannel
system turns On or Off, the Front Panel Power Switch must
be left in the ON position and the
Rear Panel Power Control Switch
must be in the REMOTE Position. For
non-remote operation, set the Rear
Panel Power Control Switch to LO-
CAL and use the Front Panel Power
Switch to turn the MC126 On or Off
as desired. Refer to figure 9.
Note: There must be a power control
connection between the MC126 and the McIntosh A/V
Control Center or Surround Decoder in order for the
remote power turn-on to function.
Input Level Controls
When using a McIntosh A/V Control Control Center or
Surround Decoder set all six level con-
trols to the 1.6V position. If an A/V
Control Center or Surround Decoder has
a 0.8V output rating, set the controls to
the 0.8V position. If an increase or de-
crease in amplifier sensitivity is required
for other applications, set the controls as desired. Refer to
figure 10.
Mode Switch
The MODE Switch allows a pair of MC126 channels to be
used in two different operating configura-
tions. Refer to figure 11.
Stereo: Each channel operates indepen-
dently as 120 watt amplifiers.
Mono: A channel pair operates in bridged configura-
tion for a single monaural 275 watt amplifier.
The versatile McIntosh MC126 can be used in two differ-
ent Operating Modes. The three channel pairs can be used
in Stereo Mode to supply 120 watts (4 ohm) to each of the
Home Theater Systems six channels. Any of the three ste-
reo pairs can be set to Mono (Bridged) Mode to supply 275
watts (8ohm) of power when greater power is desired. Re-
fer to figures 10, 11 and 12.
1. Set the MODE Switch to the
MONO position.
2. Adjust the MONO Level control
to the 1.6V position if using a
McIntosh A/V Control Center or Surround Decoder.
3. Connect the cable from the signal source component to
the MONO In jack.
4. Connect loudspeaker cables to the terminals marked (-)
and (+) MONO.
How to Operate with a Bridged Channel
Figure 9
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 10