“McIntosh-HD HS USB Audio” from avail-
able playback devices listed when using
this McIntosh Product for USB Audio.
Control Panel Settings
To activate the McIntosh-HD USB Audio Control Pan-
el Click on the “McIntosh Icon” (located in the Win-
dows notification area on the right side of the taskbar)
or click on the Wiondows “Show hidden icons”, then
select the “McIntosh Icon”. Refer to figures 84 and 85.
Notes: 1. It is not necessary for the McIntosh-HD USB
Audio Control Panel to be running, unless it is
desired to make changes to the default settings.
2. The McIntosh-
HD USB Audio
Control Panel
displays the cur-
rent Sampling
Rate, Bit-Rate
and Buffer Size
for the music
streaming from
the computer into the D150.
3. When the Media Stream Program on the com-
puter is set to output in the “ASIO” format the
McIntosh -HD USB Audio Control Panel allows
for changing the settings parameters on the fly.
USB Music Playback
When the USB Input is selected on the McIntosh
D150, the Front Panel Display indicates the Sampling
Rate (refer to figures 86 and 87 for PCM Signals).
How to Operate the D150, con’t
Figure 84
Figure 85
Figures 88 and 89 indicate a Sampling Rate of 64 or
128 times the Sampling Rate of a CD Disc for the
incoming DSD Digital Audio Signal.
The Sampling Rate and the Bit Rate is determined by
the original recording, the Application Output Format
(when available) and the McIntosh-HD Control Panel
Note: In general, when the original music is recorded
at a higher Sampling Rate, the result is usually
more detail in the music. However, this higher
rate results in consuming larger amounts of stor-
age space. The Sample Rate usually should be set
to match the Sample Rate of the music recording
being played back.
There are many third party Applications (besides
Applications like Windows Media Player) for steam
ing music from the computer to McIntosh D150 USB
Input. An example of just one of the available applica-
tions is “JRiver Media Center”.
U S B D S D 6 4 1 0 0
Figure 88
U S B 3 5 2 . 8 k 1 0 0
Figure 87
U S B 1 9 2 k 1 0 0
Figure 86
U S B D S D 1 2 8 1 0 0
Figure 89