991 High Speed
Round Bale Wrapper
This product is designed to wrap, with plastic stretch film, cylindrical section bales of
forage for the purpose of storage as fodder for livestock. The design has been
developed based on years of extensive research and development in the field of round
bale wrappers. Given proper care and attention, the machine will provide years of
reliable and dependable performance.
Please do not assume that you know how to operate and maintain your machine before
reading this manual carefully. In order to prevent misuse, damage and accidents, it is
very important that everybody who will operate the machine is a fully trained machine
(See ‘Trained operator criteria’)
. They must read and fully understand all of
the contents of this manual, before operating the machine, paying particular attention
to the following:
Safety instructions
Controls (hydraulic
& electrical)
It is highly recommended to get acquainted with any new machinery slowly. Take time
to learn and understand all of the features of the machine. Proficiency will increase as
more experience is obtained.
If you have any questions in relation to the instructions in the manual, please contact
dealer. It is highly recommended that training be sought from your local
The operator is solely responsible for the safe use and maintenance of the machinery,
in accordance with this manual. Keep this manual safe and make sure it remains with
the machine, at all times.
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sufficient? If a printed copy is required, always select ‘Print on both sides
of paper’ and always try to limit the number of printed pages by selecting
a specific page range or just select ‘Current page’ if that is sufficient.