991 High Speed
Round Bale Wrapper
Wrapping sequence/program
It is crucial that the correct wrapping sequence/program is selected for the
991 High
(See ‘Available wrapping programs’)
To change the wrapping sequence/program:
Press the Down Arrow (Button 4) three times
Press Enter (Button 3) once
Press the Down Arrow once and press Enter again
Use the Up and Down Arrows (Buttons 1 & 4) to select a sequence, press Enter
(Button 3) to save a new sequence/program.
Film sensor
The film sensor monitors the passage of film through the dispenser rollers. If one roll breaks
or empties then ‘1 Dispenser’ warning will be displayed. If the roll empties or the film breaks,
will be flashed on the display and the wrapping table will rotate forward in slow
speed and pause briefly. The table then rotates slowly in reverse to a position before the film
breakage and waits for the film to be replaced. The operator must apply the parking brake,
switch off the tractor and remove the key before replacing the film roll and attaching the film to
the bale. When the tractor is restarted, press “Resume” (Button 12) to complete the wrapping.
Film sensors are normally turned “On”, but can be switched “Off” from the Operator
Setup Menu, if film sensing is not desired or if there is a problem with a sensor. To set
the sensor On/Off:
Press the Down Arrow (Button 4) three times
Press Enter (Button 3) once
Press the Down Arrow twice to move to the Select Film Sensor Screen and
press Enter
Use the Up and Down Arrows (Buttons 1 & 4) to adjust the setting i.e. On/Off
Press Enter (Button 3) to save the new setting
If the operator wants to continuously operate the machine with only 1 single roll of film,
they should select the “1 roll of film” mode, by pressing Button 17 and holding it for 3
seconds. A short beep will sound and “1 roll film” will be displayed on the screen. This
mode doubles the target count and reduces the bale indexing speed to half, so that the
machine can be operated the same as a standard single dispenser 991 BE machine.
The film must then be loaded onto the lower dispenser unit only
and the dispenser height must be set to its highest position
CAUTION: Select the correct wrapping sequence before using the
The “Expert Series” Electronic Control Box is designed to control a
number of different
wrapping machines, therefore, it is very
important that the correct wrapping sequence be selected to suit the
machine in use, before work begins.