• Avoid crossing steep slopes if possible. If you must
do so, avoid any holes or depressions on the
downhill side. Avoid any stumps, rocks, bumps or
raised areas on the uphill side. When operating near
ditches or banks, always keep your tractor behind
the shear line (A, Fig.2-22). Avoid ditches,
embankments and river banks which might cave in
If it is necessary to cross a steep slope, avoid turning
uphill, slow down and make a wide turn. Travel directly
up or down the slope, never across it. When travelling
up or down a slope, keep the heavy end of the tractor
pointed uphill. (Fig.2-23).
When travelling across a slope with side mounted
implements, keep the implement on the uphill side.
Don't raise the implements. Keep them as low to the
ground as possible when crossing a slope.
Avoid crossing steep slopes if possible. If you must
do so, avoid any holes or depressions on the downhill
side. Avoid any stumps, rocks, bumps or raised areas
on the uphill side (Fig.2-25).
Safety notes
Fig. 2-23
Fig. 2-24
Fig. 2-25