Removing EEFF deployment package
Use this task to remove the EEFF deployment package from the ePO.
For option definitions, click ? in the interface.
Log on to the ePO server as an administrator.
Click Menu | Software | Master Repository. The Packages in Master Repository page
appears with the list of software packages and their details.
Click Delete next to EEFF package. The Delete package confirmation page appears.
Click OK on the Delete Package page.
Uninstalling EEFF from managed nodes using
command prompt
Use these tasks to uninstall EEFF from managed nodes using command prompt.
Uninstalling EEFF from managed nodes using Shell command
Use this task to uninstall EEFF from a managed node using MfeFfShell command.
Before you begin
You should have administrator rights to run this command on the managed node.
For option definitions, click ? in the interface.
On the command prompt navigate to the folder where EEFF was installed.
By default, EEFF is installed in
[SYSDRIVE]:\Program Files\McAfee\Endpoint Encryption for Files and Folders
Run the following command You will be prompted to
restart the system after uninstallation.
Uninstalling EEFF from managed nodes using MSI
Use this task to uninstall EEFF from a managed node using MSI.
Before you begin
You should have administrator rights to run this command on the managed node.
For option definitions, click ? in the interface.
Uninstalling EEFF
Removing EEFF deployment package
McAfee Endpoint Encryption for Files and Folders version 4.0.0 Product Guide