If draft in the chimney is weak (fig. 2a), check accuracy of the chimney. Chimney
should be located within interior of an object, and if it’s on external walls of an object,
it is recommended to insulate the chimney.
Fig. 3
Defaults of the chimney may be: (fig. 3):
1. Chimney is lower then top of the roof, small cross section of the exit
2. Too large slope
3. Abrupt alteration of the direction of smoke channel,
4. Oven or other device connected to the same smoke channel,
5. Bulges in the smoke channel,
6. Cranks,
7. Foreign body or deposited smut,
8. Too deep installed pipe,
9. Ventilator or other device which creates sub-pressure in the room
10. Leaky or open aperture for cleaning