3.9.1. Screen brightness
From this screen, you can adjust the brightness of the screen. Use the
"UP" and "DOWN" keys to scroll between the values from 1 to 10. The se-
lected value is highlighted in the center in the white line. (Figure 4.6)
FIG. 4.6
FIG. 4.7
FIG. 4.5
3.9.2. Language change
From this screen you can choose the language of the unit texts. Use the
"UP" and "DOWN" keys to scroll through the available items. The selected
value is highlighted in the center in the white line. (Figure 4.7)
By selecting the ADVANCED setting, you enter the advanced settings menu,
within which you can change or check the essential parameters of the dis-
play. Specifically, you can change the brightness, language, unit, weight,
gender and night mode.