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  Precautions when using the product


MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury / BLACK Manual

Power Supply

Do not modify the power cable or cut the cable.

Direct exposures to sunlight and extreme temperature may damage this device, or cause fire.
Please do not install this device at a location blocking your vision.
Securely attach the product so that it does not fall.
Do not place any other objects around the product. If another object is placed on the dashboard,

it may be reflected on the windshield and video image identification may not be possible.

Damaged or modified power cable can cause explosion, or fire. 

Please use manufacturer-approved power cables and accessory.
Do not handle this device with wet hands.


Содержание MACH TRUCK 3500 BLACK

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Страница 2: ...ltheproduct 8 SystemBooting 9 DrivingRecording 10 ParkingRecording 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 23 25 26 27 36 37 38 2 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual 11 EventRecording 12 ScreenSaverMode 13 SafeDriving ADAS 14 SafeDriving ADAS CorrectionMenu 15 SafeDriving ADAS MalfunctionCondition 16 LiveScreen 17 MenuSettings 18 AV OUTSettings 19 ConsumerInjuryCompensationRule 20 ProductWarranty ...

Страница 3: ...oss oranyotherdamagestothisdevice Wewillnotberesponsibleforanylossofproductcausedbyuser sdiscretion Inaccidentoflightimpact shocksensormaynotoperateandallaccidentalimagesmaynotberecorded ADASfunctioncontainsmanyerrorsdependingonusingenvironment soitisrecommendedtouseitfordrivingreference ThewarrantyperiodofSDmemorycardis6months WerecommendthatyouuseSDmemorycardwithaproductthatisguaranteedbyus Wear...

Страница 4: ...leasedonotinstallthisdeviceatalocationblockingyourvision Securelyattachtheproductsothatitdoesnotfall Donotplaceanyotherobjectsaroundtheproduct Ifanotherobjectisplacedonthedashboard itmaybereflectedonthewindshieldandvideoimageidentificationmaynotbepossible Damagedormodifiedpowercablecancauseexplosion orfire Pleaseusemanufacturer approvedpowercablesandaccessory Donothandlethisdevicewithwethands Installa...

Страница 5: ...ralongtimeintheparkingmodeaftervehicleisparked Vehiclebatterywillbedischargedandmaynotbestarted Excessivewindowtintingmaycausedegradationofrecordedimagequality DonotuseasharpobjectonLCDpanel Disassemblingordroppingtheproductmaycausedamageorbreakdown Pleaseusemanufacturer approvedgenuineparts DonotremoveMicroSDcardbyforcewhenitisrecording Pressslightlytoremoveitfromslotafterturnoffpower Memorystorag...

Страница 6: ...function Lowvoltageprotection Hightemperatureshutdown LCDautosaver Built inhigh performancemicrophone PProvidedexclusivePCviewer WDR Format Free ContinuousRecordingMode EventRecordingMode Eventrecordingincaseofshockduringrecording ManualRecordingMode Saveasmanualrecordingwithmanualrecordingbutton ParkingRecordingMode Motion Motiondetectionrecordingduringparkingmode ParkingRecordingMode EventRecord...

Страница 7: ...nBody Cradle 5mcablefor Rear viewCamera MicroSDMemoryCard MicroSDAdapter Continuous PowerCable QuickManual Rear viewCamera10 20MCable ExternalGPSAntenna ExternalCamera Luxury BLACK Sell Separately Consumables Micro SD Memory Card will be shipped by inserted main body AV OUTCable ...

Страница 8: ...xury BLACK Manual Front Back Top Side CradleConnection 1 1 Speaker 2 FrontCamera 3 SecurityLED 3 5 TouchLCD 4 Microphone 5 Rear viewCameraInput 6 AV OUTInput 7 GPSInput 8 DCPowerInput 9 MemoryCard 10 PowerSwitch 11 12 2 3 4 6 5 11 12 7 8 9 10 ...

Страница 9: ...9 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual MBZ 150FHDIR MACHTRUCK3500Luxury 6 Product Specification MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury ...

Страница 10: ...10 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual MBZ 120IR MACHTRUCK3500BLACK 6 Product Specification MACH TRUCK 3500 BLACK ...

Страница 11: ...y pleasekeeptheinstalledfrontglassanddashcamlensclean Howtoinstall theproduct Cleanglasswheredashcamistobeinstalled And attachcradleanddashcam Placedashcaminarea proper Afterattachingthedashcam connectcablesintheorderofrear viewcamera GPS optional DCpower Whencableinstallationiscomplete fixittocradle Afterpoweristurnedon bootingwillstartwithMBIZONEproductname Whenbootingiscompleted mainscreenwillap...

Страница 12: ...Dcard Afterthedashcamisinstalled formattingisperformed onlyonceatboottime tomaketheSDcardformat free Itshowslivescreen ItbootswhenpowerisappliedbyACCpowerandcigarcable Thebootcaseisdividedinto3types Normalbooting SDcardisnotmountedboot SDcardisnoneformat freeformat 1 2 3 4 5 8 System Booting 12 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual 1 3 2 5 4 ...

Страница 13: ...kduringdriving ItshowsscreenthatSDcardisnotinstalledandit waitsoncurrentscreenuntilinstallationiscompleted WhenSDcardisinstalled systemshutdownscreenisdisplayed Aftersystemshutdown normalboot processisstarted 1 2 3 4 13 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual 1 2 3 4 8 System Booting ...

Страница 14: ...riskduringdriving IfSDCardisNoneFormatFree thisisformatprogressnotificationscreen Itissystemrestartingscreenafterformatcompletion Itshowssystemshutdownscreen andaftersystem shutdown itperforms normalboot process 1 2 3 4 5 14 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual 1 2 3 4 8 System Booting ...

Страница 15: Continuousrecordingisstartedaftereventrecording ContinuousrecordingisstartedafterACCOnwhileparkingrecordingmode Thefollowingfigureshowsprocedureforswitchingtocontinuousrecordingin parkingrecordingmode WhenACCOn showsnumberofimpactfor2seconds Showsswitchingtocontinuousrecordingmodeandstartscontinuousrecording 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 9 Driving Recording 15 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual 1 6 7 ...

Страница 16: ...eraimageandcarriesoutparkingmotionrecording WhenG Sensordetectsimpact parkingeventrecordingisperformed Followingfigureshowswhenparkingmodeisswitchedincontinuousmode Itshowsthatcontinuousrecordingmodeisstopped Itshowsthatparkingrecordingmodeisswitched 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 Parking Recording 16 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual 7 ...

Страница 17: ...duringcontinuousrecordingmode Wheneventrecordingduringcontinuousrecordingmode itisdisplayedbyGUIinlivescreen WhenG Sensordetectseventduringparkingrecordingmode eventrecordingisperformed 1 2 3 11 Event Recording 17 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual 1 ...

Страница 18: ...and LCD OFF screen depending on user s setting When user s input is occurred in screen saver mode the mode is changed from screen saver to live screen mode Selectoneoftwosavermodeswhenscreensaverisoperated A Clockscreenmode B LCDOFFmode 1 2 3 4 12 Screen Saver Mode 18 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual A B ...

Страница 19: ...DWS LaneDepartureWarningSystem A Itinformsyouwhenthevehicleleavesthelanewhiledriving B Itcanbesetby60km 70kmand80km C Itisdisplayedinblueandredcolorsrespectivelywhenlane departurefromnormalspeedatabovesettingspeed 1 2 3 Lane departure to left during driving Lane departure to right during driving Normal lane driving Normal lane driving 13 Safe Driving ADAS LDWS Lane Departure Warning System ...

Страница 20: ...etectedaheadofyouwhiledriving GUIandvoicealertwillnotifyyoutoacollisionwarning Object vehicle collision danger detection Collision dangerous status Detecting object vehicle Keeping safety distance 13 Safe Driving ADAS FCWS Forward Collision Warning System ...

Страница 21: ...alwaiting Ifdeparturenotificationoffrontcarisdetected GUIiscontinuouslydisplayedalongwithnotificationvoiceonlivescreen 1 2 3 4 21 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual Waiting for signal Detecting departure of front car during signal waiting When detecting departure of front car GUI would be displayed on screen as above figures 2 3 4 13 Safe Driving ADAS FVSA Front Vehicle Start Alarm ...

Страница 22: ...ndoesnotworkifitisbelowthesetspeed Changespeedvaluewhentouching Settings 60Km 70Km 80Km Forforwardcollisiondetection setinstallationheightforeachvehicle Youcansetupforthreetypesofvehicles Settings Passenger SUV Truck UsevoiceguidanceofsafedrivingdetectionON OFF Gotosafedrivingcorrectionmenu Gotolivescreen Gotopreviousmenu mainmenu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 Safe Driving ADAS 22 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BL...

Страница 23: ...chtomovetoSTEP3 Gotopreviousmenu safedrivingmenu 1 2 3 4 7 14 Safe Driving ADAS Correction Menu 23 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual 1 2 4 1 2 4 DetectionofLDWS LaneDeparture WarningSystem FCWS Forward CollisionWarningSystem FVSA FrontVehicleStartAlarm willbe improvedwhencorrectionforsafe drivingiscarriedout Youwillneedtomakecustomized correctionforyourvehiclethrough correctionfunction Itconsist...

Страница 24: ...uchtomovetoSTEP4 Gotopreviousmenu safedrivingmenu 1 2 3 4 Moveredlinetoleftwhentouching Moveredlinetorightwhentouching TouchtomovetoSTEP5 Gotopreviousmenu safedrivingmenu 1 2 3 4 7 24 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual STEP 5 Moveredlinetoleftwhentouching Moveredlinetorightwhentouching TouchtomovetoSTEP1 Gotopreviousmenu safedrivingmenu 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 14 Safe Driving ADAS Correction Me...

Страница 25: ...tbeoperatednormally Itmaynotbeoperatednormallyinlowlightconditionssuchasnightdrivingortunneloperation Ifrearofvehicleaheadisdifferentfromthatofaregularvehicle towingvehicle cargotruck etc itmaynotbeoperatednormally Itmaynotbeoperatednormallyonroadswithlargerotationangles WhenangleofproductiswarpedwhileusingADASfunction pleasesetitin Menu SafeDriving LaneSetting 15 Safe Driving ADAS Malfunction Cond...

Страница 26: ... Systemtimeinformation PM 04 38 3 Systemdateinformation 2017 04 06 4 Voltage 23 7V GPSinformation ConnectedGPS DisconnectedGPS 5 Recordinginformation 6 Showvoicerecordingisperformedornot duringthevideorecording 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Continuousrecording Eventrecording Voice recording on Voicerecordingoff G P S G P S N o r m a l E v e n t V o i c e V o i c e ...

Страница 27: ...hetherornottorecordsystemvoice 2 Gotomenuofrecordedvideoviewer 3 Gotosensorsensitivityandsystemshutdownsettingmenu Gotosafedriving ADAS setupmenu 4 Gotoscreensaversettingmenu 5 GotoTimeSetting SystemInitialization TouchCorrection SDFormat SecurityLEDON OFF SystemInformationmenu 6 7 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...

Страница 28: ...Volumesettings 17 Menu Settings 28 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual SetsystemaudioON OFF 1 Setsystemvolume 2 SetvoicerecordingON OFF 3 Gotolivescreen Gotopreviousmenu mainmenu 4 5 4 1 2 3 5 ...

Страница 29: ...entrecordedvideofilelist Nameofrecordedfiles Gotomainmenuscreen Showsfilelistpageinformation 1page 5file Gotopreviouspage Sortinascendingordescendingorder Gotonextpage Switchingfrontandrearrecordedvideo Gotovideoview Playpreviousvideo Pauseandplaythecurrentvideo Playnextvideo 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 17 Menu Settings ...

Страница 30: ...ettoinsensitive normal sensitive disable 4levels Voltageadjustmentforsystemshutdown Powercut offvoltagecanbesettopreventbatterydischarge Setting7steps disable 23 0V 23 4V 23 8V 24 2V 24 6V 25 0V Adjustsystemshutdowntime Powercut offtimecanbesettopreventbatterydischarge Setting7steps immediatelyblocked disable 6H 12H 18H 24H 48H Gotolivescreen Gotopreviousmenu mainmenu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 1 2 3 4 5 7 30 ...

Страница 31: ...hscreeninscreensavermode itwillbeturnedtolivescreenagain Clockscreen Clockisdisplayedinscreensavermode LCDOFF Blankscreenisdisplayedwhenscreensavermode LCDON Donotusescreensaver Gotolivescreen Gotopreviousmenu mainmenu 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 1 2 3 31 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual 17 Menu Settings ...

Страница 32: ...eminitializationmenu Gotosysteminformationmenu GotoLCDtouchcorrectionmenu GotoSDcardformatmenu SetsecurityLEDON OFF Gotolivescreen Gotopreviousmenu mainmenu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 1 2 3 8 6 4 5 32 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual 17 Menu Settings ...

Страница 33: ...ationbytouching ItcanbechangedMINUTEinformationbytouching Changeyear month day hour minutevalue Gotolivescreen Gotopreviousmenu systemsettingmenu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Timesetting 33 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual Setsystemtime Thetimesettingissettoyear month day hour minute GMTinformationforcurrentlocationisshowedbyGPSinformation OnlyGPSmoduleisinstalled 1 2 3 6 5 4 8 7 9 8 7 9 17 Menu Settings ...

Страница 34: ...edtouchcorrection TouchpointeronLCDscreentocompletecorrection 1 2 Format Touchcorrection 34 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual Gotopreviousmenu systemsetting Proceedformatting Systemwillberestartedafterformatting 1 2 17 Menu Settings ...

Страница 35: ...rmationofsystem LuxuryorBLACK Firmwareversioninformationofsystem MICOMinformationofsystem G sensorsensitivityinformationofsystem GPSconnectioninformationofsystem Gotopreviousmenu systemsettingmenu SecurityON SecurityOFF Itinformssysteminformationtouser 1 2 3 4 5 6 Systeminitialization Systeminformation 35 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual SecurityLED 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 17 Menu Settings ...

Страница 36: ...18 AV OUT Settings 36 MACH TRUCK 3500 Luxury BLACK Manual IfyouconnectanAV OUTcabletodashcamandmonitor thevideoimagewillbeshownonmonitorand dashcamischangedto TVOUTmode AV OUTcableissoldseparately ...

Страница 37: ...vice center shall provide a repair service as the following Free of charge repair service 1 year from the date of purchase 6 months for accessories Paid repair services after the warranty period malfunctions caused by negligence of a customer malfunctions caused by force majeure events or accidents This product is intended for use in a car The Company shall not be responsible for any costs incurre...

Страница 38: ...Manual Memory card that comes with dash cam is a consumable part and warranty period is SIX MONTHS Model Name Serial No Date of Manufacture MM DD YY Date of Purchase MM DD YY Place of Purchase Firmware Ver The warranty period of this product is ONE YEAR ...

Страница 39: ...MBIZONECo Ltd 1208AnyangVenturetel 167Simin daero Dongan gu Anyang si Gyeonggi do RepublicofKorea TEL 1577 8091 FAX 031 340 6461 Website www mbiz co kr ...
