Installation and Operational Instructions for
-brake-checker AC Type 059.500.2
your reliable partner
27/06/2019 HH/GF/GC
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Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG
Eichenstraße 1, D-87665 Mauerstetten, Germany
Tel.: +49 8341 804-0, Fax: +49 8341 804-421
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Guidelines on the Declaration of Conformity
A conformity evaluation has been carried out for the product in terms of the EU Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/
EU, the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2014/30/EU and RoHS 2011 / 65 / EU with 2015 / 863
The Declaration of Conformity is laid out in writing in a separate document and can be requested if required.
Guidelines on the EMC Directive (2014/30/EU)
The product cannot be operated independently according to the EMC directive.
Only after integration of the product into an overall system can this be evaluated in terms of the EMC.
For electronic equipment, the evaluation has been verified for the individual product in laboratory conditions,
but not in the overall system.
Guidelines on the EU Directive 2011 / 65 / EU (RoHS II) with 2015 / 863 EU (RoHS III - from 22
July 2019),
which restrict the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic devices as well
as in products / components (category 11), the proper operation of which is dependent on electric currents
and electromagnetic fields.
Guidelines on the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)
The product is a component for installation into machines according to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
The product can fulfil the specifications for safety-related applications in coordination with other elements.
The type and scope of the required measures result from the machine risk analysis.
The product then becomes a machine component and the machine manufacturer assesses the conformity
of the safety device to the directive. It is forbidden to start use of the product until you have ensured that the
machine accords with the regulations stated in the directive.
Guidelines on the ATEX Directive
Without a conformity evaluation, this product is not suitable for use in areas where there is a high danger
of explosion. For application of this product in areas where there is a high danger of explosion, it must be
classified and marked according to Directive 2014/34/EU.
Guidelines on the REACH Regulation (EC No. 1907/2006)
of the European Parliament and of the Council Concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Re-
striction of Chemicals. This regulates the manufacture, placing on the market and use of chemical substances
in preparations, under certain conditions also pertaining to substances in products.
power transmission
exclusively manufactures products articles: clutches/couplings, electric motors, brakes and the appropriate
rectifiers) in accordance with the definition in Article 3 Section 3 of the REACH Regulation.