Installation and Operational Instructions for EAS
Ratchetting clutch, Type 49_._ _0._
Sizes 01 to 3
Synchronous clutch, Type 49_._ _5._
Sizes 01 to 3
17/03/2021 TK/NU/GC/GF/SU
Chr. Mayr GmbH + Co. KG
Eichenstraße 1, D-87665 Mauerstetten, Germany
Phone: +49 8341 804-0, Fax: +49 8341 804-421
Page 1 of 22
Please read these Operational Instructions carefully and follow them accordingly!
Ignoring these Instructions may lead to malfunctions or to clutch failure, resulting in damage to other parts.
Page 1:
- Contents
Page 2:
- Safety Regulations
- Safety and Guideline Signs
Page 3:
- Clutch Illustrations (Variants)
Page 4:
- Parts List
Page 5:
General Technical Data
Page 6:
- Screw Tightening Torques
- Technical Data Type 493._ _ _.0
Page 7:
Technical Data Type 494._ _ _._
Page 8:
Technical Data Type 494._ _ _._
Page 9:
Technical Data Type 496._ _ _._
Page 10:
- Design
- Scope of Delivery / State of Delivery
- Function
Page 11:
- Output Elements
Page 12:
- Cup Spring Layering
- Mounting the Clutch onto the Shaft
- De-installation of the Cone Bushings and Shrink Disks
Page 13:
- Shaft Installation via Key Connection
- Joining Both Clutch Hubs Type 493._ _ _.0
- Joining Both Clutch Components Type 494._ _ _._
- Joining Both Clutch Components Type 496._ _ _._
Page 14:
- Permitted Shaft Misalignments
- Clutch Alignment
Page 15:
- Torque Adjustment
Page 16:
- Torque Adjustment for Standard Adjusting Nut
Page 17:
- Torque Adjustment for Adjusting Nut with Radial Clamping
Page 18:
- Limit Switch Installation
- Maintenance and Maintenance Intervals
- Disposal
Page 19:
- Malfunctions / Breakdowns Type 490._ _ _._
- Malfunctions / Breakdowns Type 493._ _ _.0
Page 20:
- Malfunctions / Breakdowns Type 494._ _ _._
Page 21:
- Malfunctions / Breakdowns Type 494._ _ _._
Page 22:
- Malfunctions / Breakdowns Type 496._ _ _._