Distributor of Digi International: Excellent Integrated System Limited
Datasheet of XC09-009-DK - KIT DEV FOR 900MHZ 9600BPS 1MW
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HT (Time before Wake-up Initializer) Parameter
<Non-AT Settable Parameter: Sleep (Low Power)> If any modems within range are running in a
"Cyclic Sleep Setting", a wake-up initializer must be sent by the transmitter for the other radio
modems to synchronize to the transmitter [see LH ("Wake-up Initializer Timer") Command]. When
a receiving radio modem in Cyclic Sleep wakes, it must detect the wake-up initializer portion of the
RF packet in order to synchronize to the transmitter and receive data. HT Parameter sets time
period of inactivity (no serial or RF data is sent or received) before a Wake-up Initializer is sent.
Base station tracks awake-status of remote radios. HT of base radio should be set shorter than ST
(Time before Sleep) of remote radios.
From the receiver perspective, after "HT" time elapses and the ST (Time before Sleep) Parameter
is met, the receiver goes into cyclic sleep. Once in cyclic sleep, the radio modem must first detect
the wake-up initializer and synchronize to the transmitter before it can receive data. Thus, when
time "HT" time elapses, the transmitter then knows it needs to send a long wake-up initializer for
all receivers to be able to synchronize to its next transmission. Matching "HT" to the "ST" time on
the receiver(s) guarantees that all receivers will detect the next transmission.
Parameter Range: 0 - 0xFFFF [x 100 ms]
# of bytes returned: 2
Default Parameter Value: 0xFFFF (long wake-up initializer will not be sent)
Related Parameters: LH (Wake-up Initializer Timer), SM (Sleep Mode), ST (Time before Sleep)
HV (Hardware Version) Command
<AT Command: Diagnostic> Reads and returns the hardware version of the module.
AT Command: HV
Parameter Range: 0 - 0xFFFF [Read-only]
# of bytes returned: 2
ID (Modem VID) Parameter
<Non-AT Settable Parameter: Networking> ID Parameter reads and edits the module's VID. VID is
a MaxStream-specific acronym that stands for "Vendor Identification Number". RF modules can
only communicate with other modems having the same VID.
Parameter Range: 0 - 0x7FFF (above this range is Read-only)
# of bytes returned: 2
Default Parameter Value: 0x3332
25 / 37
25 / 37