REV. 1.0.6
MSR [2]: Receiver Disable
This bit can be used to disable the receiver by halting the Receive Shift Register (RSR). When this bit is set to
a logic 1, the receiver will operate in one of the following ways:
If a character is being received at the time of setting this bit, that character will be correctly received. No
more characters will be received.
If the receiver is idle at the time of setting this bit, no more characters will be received.
The receiver can be enabled and will start receiving characters by resetting this bit to a logic 0. The receiver
will operate in one of the following ways:
If the receiver is idle (RX pin is HIGH) at the time of setting this bit, the next character will be received
normally. It is recommended that the receiver be idle when resetting this bit to a logic 0.
If the receiver is not idle (RX pin is toggling) at the time of setting this bit, the RX FIFO will be filled with
unknown data.
Any data that is in the RX FIFO can be read out at any time whether the receiver is disabled or not.
Logic 0 = Enable Receiver (default).
Logic 1 = Disable Receiver.
MSR [1]: Transmitter Disable Modes
This bit is only applicable when MSR[3] = 1.
Logic 0 = No xon/xoff software flow control characters will be transmitted when the transmitter is disabled. If
there is a pending xon/xoff character to be sent while the transmitter is disabled, it will be transmitted. No
additional xon/xoff characters will be sent.
Logic 1 = Xon/xoff software flow control characters will be transmitted even though the transmitter is
MSR[0]: Receiver Disable Modes
This is only applicable when MSR[2] = 1.
Logic 0 = All RX data and xon/xoff flow control characters are ignored.
Logic 1 = All RX data is ignored. Xon/xoff flow control characters are detected and acted upon.
This is a 8-bit general purpose register for the user to store temporary data. The content of this register is
preserved during sleep mode but becomes 0xFF (default) after a reset or a power off-on cycle.
This register controls the UART enhanced functions that are not available on ST16C554 or ST16C654.
FCTR[7:6]: TX and RX FIFO Trigger Table Select
These 2 bits select the transmit and receive FIFO trigger level table A, B, C or D. When table A, B, or C is
selected the auto RTS flow control trigger level is set to "next FIFO trigger level" for compatibility to ST16C550
and ST16C650 series. RTS/DTR# triggers on the next level of the RX FIFO trigger level, in another word, one
FIFO level above and one FIFO level below. See in
for complete selection with FCR bit [5:4] and
FCTR bits [7:6], i.e. if Table C is used on the receiver with RX FIFO trigger level set to 56 bytes, RTS/DTR#
output will de-assert at 60 and re-assert at 16.