The format of this command is :
Esc ! n
1BH 21H n
Depending on logic levels of the bits in ‘n’ various print formats can be selected.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0-upright 0- Single width 0- Single height 0 0 0 0 - 29 Cols
0 1-inverse 1- Double width 1- Double height 0 0 0 1 - 42 Cols
It is selected by following command
Esc X 4 x y d1 d2 …….. d ( k-1 ) dk
1BH 58H 34H x y d1 d2 …….. d ( k-1 ) dk
ESC X 4 X Y d1 d2 ……. d( x * y)
Defines a user-defined bit image using
x * 8 dots in horizontal direction and y dots in vertical direction .
-Horizontal directions dots = ( x * 8 )dots.
Where x ranges from 1 to 48.
-Vertical direction = y dots.
The graphic pattern to be printed is divided into columns, each column of 8 bits. In this
command x is number of 8 bits columns. The maximum value of x is 48D. y is total number of
Sending 0AH or 0DH will cause the contents of the data buffer (if there are any) to be
printed followed by a line feed. If there is no data in the buffer, then a simple line feed
will occur.
In graphic mode these will NOT cause line feed. They will be interpreted as data bytes.