MaximIntegrated 21-9
MAX31782 User’s Guide
Revision 0; 8/11
UROM_moveDP0inc equ 08494h
move DPC, #1Ch
; Set all pointers to word mode
move DP[0], #(table + 8000h) ; Point to address of data as viewed in the Utility ROM
memory map
lcall #UROM_moveDP0inc
move A[0], GR
; A[0] = 1111h
lcall #UROM_moveDP0inc
move A[1], GR
; A[1] = 2222h
lcall #UROM_moveDP0inc
move A[2], GR
; A[0] = 3333h
lcall #UROM_moveDP0inc
move A[3], GR
; A[1] = 4444h
sjump $
org 0100h
dw 1111h, 2222h, 3333h, 4444h
INDX_moveDP0inc equ 4
move DPC, #1Ch
; Set all pointers to word mode
move DP[0], #800Dh
; Fetch location of function table from Utility ROM
move BP, @DP[0]
; Set base pointer to function table location
move Offs, #INDX_moveDP0inc ; Set offset to moveDP0inc entry in table
move A[7], @BP[Offs]
; Get address of moveDP0inc function
move DPC, #00h
; Set all pointers to byte mode
move DP[0], #((table * 2) + 8000h) ; Point to address of data as viewed in the Utility ROM memory
map and convert to byte mode pointer
lcall A[7]
; moveDP0inc
move A[0], GR
; A[0] = 34h
lcall A[7]
; moveDP0inc
move A[1], GR
; A[1] = 12h
lcall A[7]
; moveDP0inc
move A[2], GR
; A[2] = 78h
lcall A[7]
; moveDP0inc
move A[3], GR
; A[3] = 56h
sjump $
org 0100h
dw 1234h, 5678h