1. D rill a hole in the wall (su itable just f or the
size of the w all con duit), then s et on the
f ittings such as the wall conduit and its
2. B ind th e connectin g pipe and the cables
t ogether tightly wit h bind ing tapes. P ass
t he bou nd co nnect ing pi pe thro ugh t he
w all conduct from outside. Be carefu l of the
p ipe al locatio n to d o on d amag e to th e
t ubing.
3. C onnect the pipes. Refer to "H ow to
C onnect the pipes" for details.
4. E xpel the air with a vacuum pu mp. Refer
t o "How to expel the air w ith a vacuum
p ump" for details.
5. o pen the stop values of the outdoor unit to
m ake t he ref rigerant pipe connecting the
indoor unit with the outdoor unit in fl uent
f low.
6. C heck the leakage . Check all the joi nts
w ith the leak detector or soap water.
7. C over the joints of the co nnecting pi pe
w ith the soun dproo f / insulating shea th
( fittings), and bind it wel l with t he tap es to
p revent leakage.
Be su re to with insulating materials cover all
the exposed parts of the flare p ipe joints and
refrigerant pipe on the liquid-side and the
gas-side. Ensure that there is n o gap between
them. Incomplete insulation ma y cause water
H ow to take indoo r unit apart to co nnect
the pip es
1 . Open the f ront panel
Slide the two sto ppers on the left a nd rig ht
sides inwo rd until they click. See F ig.43- 6.
2. Remove th e front pan el
Remove th e strin g. (Re fer to Fig.43-7).
Allow ing th e fron t pane l to fa ll forw ard wi ll
enab le you to remove i t.
3. Remove th e face plate
Remove th e four screw s.(Re fer to Fig.43 -7).
Open ing bo ttom of face plate for a angle
that is 30 d egree s, then the t op of face
plate will be take up.(R efer to Fig.4 3-8)
Fig.43- 6
Fig. 43-7
Fig. 43-8
5.5 Connect the drain pipe(Console)
Inst all the drai n pipe of th e indo or un it
The outlet ha s PTI screw bread , Plea se use
se aling mater ials a nd pip e sheath(fitting)
w hen co nnecting P VC pipes.
The drain pipe of indoo r unit must be heat
insulated, or it will cond ense dew, as well as the
connections of the indoor unit.
Hard PVC binder must be used for pipe
connection, and make sure there is no leakage.
With the connection part to the indoor unit,
please be noted not to impose pressure on the
side of indoor unit pipes.