Slide the red and white painted aluminum top
wing struts into their openings in each the side
of the fuselage. (NOTE: The
red struts go in the
front; the white struts attach in the rear.)
Secure all four of the top wing struts to the
fuselage by inserting a wood screw into each of
the four holes in the wing saddles, through each
of the struts, and snug each of the screws into
the wood inside the fuselage.
Tail Surfaces
Test-fit the vertical stabilizer, rudder, horizontal stabilizer,
elevator joiner and both halves of the elevator to the fuselage
and, if necessary, cut through any Mylar covering the CA-
hinge slots. (NOTE: Be sure to position the metal joiner in
the horizontal stabilizer’s slot
sliding the horizontal
stabilizer into its slot.)
Ensure good wood-to-wood glue joints by trimming and
removing any Mylar covering the parts of the horizontal and
vertical stabilizer that will be ‘burried’ inside their mounting
slots in the fuselage. (NOTE: We recommend using a hot
soldering iron to cut the Mylar; a sharp blade damages wood.)
Slide the elevator’s metal joiner and the horizontal stabilizer
into the horizontal slot at the end of the fuselage. Center and align the horizontal stab. at a right angle to
the centerline of the fuselage. Use epoxy to secure the horizontal stabilizer to the fuselage.
Use a wheel collar to attach the tail wheel to its strut.
Position the tail wheel strut’s metal mounting base
onto the tail wheel’s strut.
Test fit the tail wheel’s strut into its groove and the
opening in the base of the rudder. (NOTE: You may
find it necessary to remove excess Mylar covering
these openings at the leading edge of the rudder.)
Use epoxy or CA adhesive to secure the tail wheel
strut into the rudder.
Secure the vertical stabilizer into its slot in the top of the fuselage with epoxy.
Attach the rudder to the vertictal stabilizer with CA hinges and thin CA adhesive.
Openings for the four strut-attachment screws
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