Getting to Know Your Bike or Trike:
Carrying a load and riding a long-wheelbase bike both require getting experience too. Practice maneuvering and braking on a
flat, hazard and traffic-free street with and without a load before going out into the world. Carrying a heavy load involves
risks, foremost of which can be decreased braking power and increased stopping distance.
Sitting on the Carrier Seat:
always (both legs on the same side of the bike) on the carrier seat while the bike is moving or stopped can easily result in
broken limbs, loss of control of the bike, destroyed rims, a destroyed bike frame, or worse.
The user of this product acknowledges both an understanding and an assumption of the risks involved in cycling, cycling with
cargo, and cycling with a passenger. Children are highly recommended not to ride on any of MaxFoot electric bicycles or
tricycles .It is very dangerous and high opportunity cause of serious injury.
Use Good Judgment:
Make sure no straps are dangling where they could get caught in the wheels. No bags, boxes or any items are in a position
where they could be caught in the spokes, Double check your load for security and stability. Check that your brakes are well
adjusted. Check to see that your wheels are securely fastened. Check that your helmet is securely fastened. Make sure no
components or frame members are cracked or broken. In general, if at any time you notice a crack or bend in your bike,
stem, forks, or bars of your bicycle, stop riding immediately; take your MaxFoot bike to your local bike shop and have them
inspect it.