Safety symbols
Points to be observed..
Danger of injury for operating and specialist personnel !
Do not operate without finger guard and safety devices .
Before threading, changing bobbin and needle, cleanin g
switch off main switch.
Important points for the user
This Instruction Manual is an inte gral part of the machine and must be available to the
operating personnel at all times.
The Instruction Manual must be read be fore operating the machine for the first time .
The operating and specialist personnel is to be instructed as to the sa fety equipment of
the machine and regarding sa fe work methods.
It is the duty of the user to only operate the machine in perfect running order.
It is the obligation of the user to ensure that none of the safet y mechanisms are removed
or deactivated.
It is the obligation of the user to ensure that onl y authorized persons operate and work
on the machine.
Further information can be obtained from your Mauser Spezial agent.