CPU Internal Core Speed
Default: 350MHz
This item should be installed with the rated internal core speed of the Pentium-II
class processor that is installed in your system. The setup utility will then
automatically configure the system with the correct host bus speed, and bus
frequency multiplier.
If you set this item to Manual, two new items will appear:
CPU Core:Bus Freq. Multiple
. You can use these two items to
manually configure the mainboard for the speed of the processor. The values
available in these two items will vary, according to the kind of Pentium-II
processor that is installed.
Note: Using the three items above, you can configure the
mainboard so that it runs a processor faster than the rated clock
speed. We strongly recommend that you do not overclock the
processor. Overclocking can introduce excess heat, recurring
instability, or even complete failure in your system.
CPU Clock Failed Reset
Default: Disabled
If this item is enabled, and your system crashes three times because you have
overclocked the processor, this item will automatically adjust the speed of the
processor to the system bus speed multiplied by two.