When you are in one of the options that displays a table of items, you
can return to the main menu by pressing the Escape key. For some
items, you can display a help message by pressing the F1 key. You can
change the color scheme of the utility by pressing the F2 key while
holding down the Shift key. You can press F5 to discard any changes
you have made and return all items to the value that they held when the
setup utility was started. You can press F6 to load the displayed items
with a standard list of default values. You can press F7 to load the
displayed items with a high-performance list of default values.
Standard CMOS Setup Option
This option displays a table of items which defines basic information
about your system.
Date and Time
The Date and Time items show the current date and time held by your computer.
If you are running a Windows operating system, these items will automatically be
updated whenever you make changes to the Windows Date and Time Properties