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prescalers to give suitable frequencies for clock systems
and for facilitating serial communication using standard
baud rates.
The Jumper link system J18, J19 allows PICmicro devices
with internal oscillators to route the signals from the
oscillator pins through to Port A pins 6 and 7. This allows
the devices with internal oscillators to use all 8-bits of the
Port A for I/O operation.
6. In-circuit debugging
The multiprogrammer board has an in-circuit debugging
(ICD) connection between the USB peripheral device
and the target microcontroller. This allows the Flowcode
software to start, stop, step and inspect an active
program, synchronized both in hardware and Flowcode
software. As well as the standard ICD operation,
Flowcode is capable of reading back real time variable
values from the target device.
To use the Microchip PICkit2 ICSP interface, remove
the power supply and the USB cable from the
multiprogrammer. Then place the 3-way jumper link
associated with J12-14 to the left hand side of the 3x3
header pins, labelled ‘ICSP’. Then simply connect the
PICkit into multiprogrammer via header J20.
7. Low voltage programming
Many PICmicros have a low voltage programming mode
where it is possible to program the device without the
need for a 12V supply line. The difficulty here is that
different families of PICmicro devices use different pins as
the Low Voltage programming pin. B3 is predominantly
used for this function but B4 and B5 are also used on
some devices. The version 8 EB006 does not support
low voltage programming modes so care must be taken
when generating the chip configuration to disable
the low voltage programming functionality. If the low
voltage programming configuration is left enabled then
you will not be able to use the LVP pin as an I/O pin in
your application.
Protective cover
Most of the boards in the E-blocks range can be fitted
with a plastic cover as an optional extra. These covers
are there to protect your E-blocks board therefore
extending the life of the board. The covers also prevent
the removal of external components while still allowing
for the adjustment of applicable parts on the board.
12mm M3 spacers, anti-slip M3 nuts and 25mm M3 bolts
can be used to attached the cover to the board. These
are not included but can be bought separately
from our website.
The order code for the EB006
PICmicro® MCU microcontroller
board is