Copyright © Matrix Multimedia Ltd.
General information
The PICmicro microcontroller programmer connects to
your PC via USB to provide you with a low cost and flexible
PICmicro microcontroller programmer. This board can
be used with assembly, C or Flowcode programming
utilities provided by Matrix Multimedia. The board will
program most 8, 14, 18, 20, 28 and 40 pin flash PICmicro
microcontroller devices using the programming software
provided. The board also provides ‘clean’ access to all I/O
lines on the relevant PICmicro MCU devices. When used
with Flowcode for PICmicro microcontrollers V4.2 and
greater, the board has additional In-Circuit Debug.
1. Features
E-blocks compatible
Low cost
Used as a programmer and as a development board
Programs a wide range of PICmicro MCU devices
Full suite of programming software available
Selectable oscillator source, resistor capacitor or
5 I/O ports
In-Circuit Debugging via PICkit2 connector
In-Circuit Debug with Flowcode for PICmicro
microcontrollers V4.2 via USB lead
Charge pump capability to allow high voltage
programming from USB supply
2. Change log
New features for Version 8
Charge pump to allow for high voltage
programming from USB supply
Simplification of the on-board jumper
Removal of the Microchip ICD2
Target pin digital and
analog scope
in software
New features for Version 7
In-Circuit Debugging using Flowcode for
PICmicro microcontrollers V4.2
Target pin digital and analog scope (not
implemented in software)
Signal injector facilities added (not implemented
in software)
Better internal oscillator / PortA support
Microchip PICkit support
20-pin target PICmicro support
New features for Version 6
Minor modifications to prevent breakdown of
the 4052 chip when used with a power supply
with excess ripple
New features for Version 5
The board can now accept power supplies of
either polarity - positive inner or positive outer
The board is now compatible with a wider range
of PICmicros for Low Voltage Programming
which use B3, 4 or 5 for the LVP pin
The USB control chip on boards is now much
faster and can program at the rate of 1k byte per
PPP has also been improved inline with these