Copyright © Matrix Multimedia Ltd.
Getting started
The test file can be downloaded from:
1. Installing PPP
If you are using Flowcode with the E006, then PPP is
installed automatically as part of the installation, you
should therefore skip to the installing drivers section.
PPP can be installed from the ELSAM CD which may be
included, or it is available to download from the support
section of our website.
To install, run
, which is located at
on the ELSAM CD and follow the instructions
refers to your CD drive.
By default PPPv3 is installed into:
C:\Program Files\Matrix Multimedia\Common\PPPv3\
There is more help and information available on the CD
provided at
refers to your CD drive.
The PPP software will attempt to pre-install the required
drivers during installation, if you have a 64bit computer
then the driver may not install automatically.
2. Installing drivers
The drivers for the EB006 can be found either on the
ELSAM CD or as a download in the support section of
the Matrix website.
IMPORTANT: Always install the drivers before plugging
in your hardware
The driver folder on the CD or the zip file downloaded
from the Matrix website (extract the contents first)
will contain three applications you can run which will
install the appropriate driver depending on the type of
operating system/chipset you are running.
used for most 64bit computers (AMD or Intel chipsets)
used for 64bit computers with Itanium chipsets
used for 32bit computers (any chipset)
Follow the installation procedure and if Windows throws
up a warning screen about the driver being digitally
signed, click “Install anyway”. After the driver has been
installed you can plug in the EB006 board and after a few
moments it should be detected and recognised by the
system, after this the board is ready to be used.