Repair / disposal / warranty
Page 13
If there are faults, problems, or other indications of malfunction, contact your sales con-
sultant or directly contact the manufacturer:
matev GmbH
Nürnberger Str. 50
90579 Langenzenn
Tel.: (Switchboard): 09 101/90 87-0
Enter the article number and the chassis number here.
This information is on the type plate of the implement.
Article number: .....................................................................
chassis number ....................................................................
The implements must be disposed of in accordance with the applicable regulations of the
municipality or the country.
Take the parts to the collection points for residual waste, special waste, or recycle them
depending on material.
matev GmbH does not provide any disposal services.
The General Terms & Conditions of matev GmbH provide information on the warranty
and guarantee conditions.
matev GmbH
Nürnberger Str. 50
90579 Langenzenn