Masterflex REGLO Digital Pump Drive with Advanced Connectivity
Section 2: Basic Setup & Settings
To ensure accurate dispensing of fluids it is recommended that the pump head be calibrated whenever
the fluid, flow rate, tubing or pump head is changed. Pump head calibration can be accessed from the
Continuous Mode Screen or from either of the Time and Volume mode edit screens.
Pump Head Calibration Screen
Gear Pump Calibration
General Preparation:
• Confirm the pump head is correctly mounted to the pump drive (for further information see "
• Confirm the tubing adapters are attached to the pump head.
• Confirm the appropriate transfer tubing has been attached to the tubing adapters and fastened using the
tubing clamps.
• Confirm all fluids and containers are ready.
To calibrate the pump head:
1. Insert the tube inlet into the supply fluid.
2. Insert the tube outlet into a suitable container.
The container should be graduated or placed on
a scale for increased accuracy. If using a scale, an acceptable weight to volume conversion for water is: 1
gram = 1 mL.
3. Switch the drive on using the power switch located at the rear of the drive.
If Manage User
is enabled you may be prompted for a Username and Password (for further information see "
Selected Head Size
Approximate Duration
Set Flow Rate
Clear Calibration Settings
Calibration Volume
Estimated Performance
Start Calibration
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