involving alcohol use, over half the victims
capsized their boats and/or fell overboard.
Alcohol is even more hazardous on the
water than on land. The marine environ-
ment of motion, vibration, engine noise,
sun, wind and spray accelerate a drinker’s
impairment. These stressors cause fatigue
that makes a boat operator’s coordination,
judgment and reaction time decline even
faster when using alcohol.
As a result of alcohol’s effects, a boat op-
erator with a blood alcohol concentration of
approximately .10 percent is estimated to be
more than 10 times as likely to die in a boat
ing accident than an operator with zero blood
alcohol concentration. Passengers are also at
greatly increased risk for injury or death, es-
pecially if they are also using alcohol.
The Coast Guard and every state have strin-
gent penalties for violating BUI laws. Penalties
can include large fines, suspension or revoca
tion of boat operator privileges, and jail time.
The Coast Guard and the states cooperate fully
in enforcement in order to remove impaired
boat operators from the waters.
In waters that are overseen solely by the
states, the states have the authority to enforce
their own BUI statutes. In state waters that are
also subject to U.S. jurisdiction, there is concur-
rent jurisdiction. That means if a boater is appre-
hended under Federal law in these waters, the
Coast Guard will (unless precluded by state law)
request that state law enforcement officers take
the intoxicated boater into custody. Depending
on the circumstances, the operator may be ar-
rested. Penalties vary, but in many jurisdictions
operators found guilty of BUI can expect a civil
penalty of at least $1,000 or criminal penalty of
$5,000, one year of imprisonment or both. Civil
lawsuits in cases of property damage or injury/
death to others can result in significantly more
serious penalties.
Intoxication from drugs, including legal pre
scription drugs, is an equally serious matter and
is dealt with as seriously as alcohol.
Registration, Numbering
and Documentation
Although it might not be immediately
obvious as to how this relates to boating
safety, in fact it can be critical in emergen-
cies. All undocumented vessels equipped
with propulsion machinery must be reg-
istered in the state of principal use. A cer-
tificate of number will be issued upon reg
istering the vehicle. These numbers must
be displayed on your vessel. The owner/
operator of the vessel must carry a valid
certificate of number whenever the vessel
is in use. When moving to a new state of
principal use, the certificate is valid for 60
days. Check with your state boating author-
ity for registration requirements.
Numbers must be painted or permanently
attached to each side of the forward half of
the vessel. The validation stickers must be
affixed within six inches of the registration
number. With the exception of the vessel fee
decal, no other letters or numbers may be
displayed nearby. Lettering must be in plain,
vertical block characters of not less than
three (3) inches in height. Spaces or hyphens
between letter and number groupings must
be equal to the width of a letter other than
“i” or a number other than “1.”
The owner of a vessel must notify the
agency which issued the certificate of
Safety Knowledge • 2014 MasterCraft Owners Manual
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