Fuel System Treatment
This preparation needs to be done prior
to removing water from the engine, if that
will be part of the process.
Boats that are going to be stored for ex
tended periods (more than two [2] weeks)
or winterized should have attention for the
fuel system. Even TOP TIER gasolines will
experience some separation of elements
and settling during these periods. Of con-
siderable concern is that water condensa-
tion will occur within the fuel system, and
water is an enemy of good-starting and
running engine fuel systems. Therefore,
follow this procedure:
• The fuel tank should be ninety-to-nine
ty-five percent (90-95%) full of TOP
TIER gasoline. This allows for minimal
room in which air can oxygenate the
fuel during diurnal cycles (daily periods
of expansion/contraction of gasoline
vapors and air as a result of temperature
changes). However, MasterCraft boats
have EPA-dictated fuel systems, which
means they cannot be overfilled. The
boats are equipped with ullage (over-
flow) tanks. Equipped with several
vales to prevent overflow, even in high
heat conditions with 100 percent full
fuel, our expansion tanks will expand
by seven-to-nine percent (7-9%), as op
posed to the five percent (5%) required
by the EPA. As temperatures rise in the
tank, the pressure also rises, pushing
out gasoline vapor-and-air mixtures.
When the temperature falls, pressure
lowers and the system will seek to draw
fresh air and water vapor (depending on
the humidity level) into the tank. Fresh
air is replaced with “light ends,” which
are low-boiling components that vapor-
ize at ambient temperatures. Light ends
are required during cold starts to va-
porize the fuel. Since the daily diurnal
cycles eliminate the light ends, a full
tank helps to minimize the air volume
entering the system.
• Add a biocide additive in the fuel tank
to limit microbial growth in gasoline.
Follow the directions provided by the
additive’s manufacturer.
• Add a fuel stabilizer, such as Sta-Bil
preferably the Marine grade or Ethanol
grade stabilizer, to the fuel tank. Fol-
low the directions provided by the sta
bilizer’s manufacturer.
• Run the engine for at least fifteen (15)
minutes while in a body of water. This
allows for the circulation of the addi-
tives throughout the fuel system.
• During storage, the tank vents can be
sealed. If the vent is sealed, the tank
must NOT be completely filled. A
ninety-to-ninety-five percent (90-95%)
filled tank allows room for expansion,
which will be required at certain times
when temperatures increase. In ad
dition to preventing water intrusion,
sealing can preventing “gumming.”
The hydrocarbons in gasoline react
with naturally occurring oxygen and
create a by-product known as “gum.”
The substance, as the name infers,
plugs up fuel filters and injectors. Seal
ing the tank helps reduce gumming by
significantly limiting the amount of ox
ygen available for interaction with the
hydrocarbons. If the tank vent is sealed
for storage/winterization, it is impera-
tive to ensure that the vent is unsealed
prior to the boat being placed back into
service! Failure to do so will result in
issues in trying to fill the gas tank in
future fill-ups.
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2014 MasterCraft Owners Manual • Care and Maintenance
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