Table: Power consumption
Recommended mode of operations:
Stationary beacons are powered from a clean source of +5V USB
Mobile beacon is powered from a clean source of +5V USB from a robot
Operations based on purely own installed batteries is also supported and possible
For fully autonomous and easy use and testing, each beacon has its own power LiPol
Typical power consumption in deep sleep mode is 50uA that gives ~2y shelf time with a
regular 1000mAh battery. Beacon can be woken up from deep sleep only by pressing HW
reset button
In regular sleeping mode the beacons wake up automatically every 2 seconds. That brings
some additional consumption, but still leaves several months in sleep mode
Active mode work time directly depends on the location update rate. For example:
With the standard 1000mAh battery and 16Hz update rate, the expected work time will
be 97h => 8 days (assuming 12h working day)
With the extended 4300mAh battery and 1Hz location update rate the expected work
time will be ~5800h or 484 days (assuming 12h working day)