4. Unwrap Carbon Filter Pack and place inside
Lower Filter Media Tray.
NOTE: Before installing, gently shake cartridge
to distribute carbon. Be sure to rinse Carbon
Filter Pack thoroughly in cold, clean water
until water runs clear.
5. Install Upper Filter Media Tray and place blue
polyfiber Prefilter Pad inside. Replace BIO-Wheel
Assembly Cover.
1. Remove Upper False Bottom (A). Pour one inch of Biological Filter Material #2
(Dolomite) onto Lower False Bottom (B) and spread evenly over entire surface.
2. Open drain valves (A) and run cold, clean
water through the BIO-Mix to flush out all
Dolomite dust.
NOTE: To avoid spillage, position system
drain tube over a floor drain.
Close drain
valves (B) when finished.
3. Place upper false bottom over layer of Dolomite.
Make sure that bottom rests solidly on ridge and
fits securely into corner slots.
Filtration Bed
Side View
Side View