Revision 1.0
Appendix A – NMEA 2000 Interfacing
Page A1
Appendix A – NMEA 2000
DCM100 NMEA 2000
Periodic Data Transmitted PGNs
PGN 127506 – DC Detailed Status
The DCM100 uses this PGN to transmit slowly changing DC and Battery Data
Field 1: SID – The sequence identifier field is used to tie related PGNs together. For
example, the DCM100 will transmit identical SIDs for 127506 (DC Detailed Status)
and 127508 (Battery Status) to indicate that the readings are linked together (i.e.,
the data from each PGN was taken at the same time although they are reported at
slightly different times).
2: DC Instance – This field indicates the particular DC source or battery for which this
data applies. A single battery will have an instance of 0. Batteries in boats with
multiple batteries will be numbered uniquely, starting at 0.
3: DC Type – This field indicates the type of DC source being monitored. The DCM100
indicates on of the following values: 0=Battery, 1=Alternator, 2=Convertor, 3=Solar
Cell, 4=Wind Generator.
4: State of Charge – This field indicates the state of charge of a battery in units of 1%.
5: State of Health – This field always contains a value of 0 (no State of Health
6: Time Remaining – This field indicates the time remaining to the discharge floor at the
current rate of discharge in units of 1 minute.
7: Ripple Voltage – This field indicates the amplitude of AC ripple present on the DC
voltage source in units of 1 mV.
PGN 127508 – Battery Status
The DCM100 uses this PGN to transmit slowly changing Battery Data.
Field 1: Battery Instance – This field indicates the particular battery for which this data
applies. A single battery will have an instance of 0. Batteries in boats with multiple
batteries will be numbered uniquely, starting at 0.
2: Battery Voltage – This field indicates the voltage of the battery in units of 10 mV.
3: Battery Current – This field indicates the current flowing through the battery in units of
0.1A. Positive values denote that charging current, negative values denote
discharge current.
4: Battery Case Temperature – This field indicates the temperature of the battery’s case
in units of 0.01°K.
5: SID – The sequence identifier field is used to tie related PGNs together. For example,
the DCM100 will transmit identical SIDs for 127506 (DC Detailed Status) and 127508
(Battery Status) to indicate that the readings are linked together (i.e., the data from
each PGN was taken at the same time although they are reported at slightly different