Rev 20201007
The MarCum MX-7gps will pick up and display the smallest of lures
and jigs, although some jigging spoons tend to “soar” off to the side.
When your jig has reached the desired depth, you may elect to fine
tune your signal by changing the Sensitivity level or Target Adjust
level. It is not possible to make any recommendations on these
settings due to the wildly differing situations that our systems are
used in. Just make sure that your jig provides a steady signal that is
easy to see, and don’t overdo it with the sensitivity or the screen
may become cluttered. When tuning the unit to display your lure,
lower it to the desired depth and turn up the SENS until you see the
lure or bait on the display.
It is important that the SENS be set so it displays the lure or bait as
you raise or lower it. Once you have the SENS set where you want
it, you can fine- tune your signals by using the TARGET ADJUST
NOTE: When tuning the unit to display lures or bait, make sure that
the objects are in the center of the hole and therefore in the center
of the transmit beam. If there is current (some lakes and all rivers
have under water current or movement) and the lure does not weigh
much, it may move to the outer edge of the signal or out of the
transmit beam altogether.
The MarCum MX-7GPS has sensitivity that will enable it to display
the smallest ice jigs, as well as sinkers and swivels. The target
separation of the MX-7GPS is down to 1/2". This means that two
objects that are more than 1/2" apart can show as two separate
signals on your display. If you have a strike and fail to hook the fish,
you can even determine if you still have bait on your jig, or if you
have to reel up and re-bait based upon how the signal appears.