Rev 20201007
Choose between Standard, All, or User for map details.
“STANDARD” will not show contour depth numbers. “ALL” will
display Contour depth numbers. “USER” will display what you have
selected throughout all menu options.
Note: You can change settings of all options within the other GPS
Map submenus.
2D Shading:
This function is only available with the Platinum
products from Navionics®. When activated it will apply contour
shading to the map.
NOTE: Some lakes may not have contour shading depending on
lake information from Navionics®.
Presentation US:
Provides marine charting information such as
symbols, colors of the nautical chart and wording for U.S.
Easy View:
Magnifies the size of chart symbols and text.
Note: There is no indication on the chart showing that this feature is
active. You will have to go to your GPS Map Settings submenu tab
to see if this feature is activated.
Community Edits:
Turns on the chart detail including Navionics®
edits. These are user edits and information uploaded by users
"Navionics® Community" and made available in Navionics® charts.
Sonar Charts™:
When selected it will use the SonarChart™ that is
available on the Navionics® chip inserted.
Dynamic Icons:
Displays Icons on the body of water such as buoy
Depth Contour:
This feature allows you to draw in the map up to
the given depth value. The value is specified in the depth unit set.