have this as the background to give a live feed of the entire area, or set it to monitor a third hole. You
can even use the Camera Panner to rotate across the entire area.
Best Practices for Adding Modules
The unit must be turned off when adding a module
You cannot swap modules when the unit is powered on
Always have transducers and cameras attached to the modules before powering the
unit on
Video Functions
Under the Marcum Video settings the below will be found: (This will only show if you have a camera
module plugged into an active port and have selected it to be displayed on at least one panel.)
Adjusting Camera Settings
First, select Marcum Camera on one or more of the Panels, then select Settings in the upper right corner
of the screen. Select
Marcum Video
and the following adjustments can now be made:
Font Color
–change the color of text from a variety of choices
Arrow Color
—change the color of the directional arrow icon to your preferred color
Arrow Circle Color
—change the color of the circle around the directional arrow