Verifying Windows NT Installation
1. Double-click on "My Computer" and select "Control Panel." Click on the "SCSI Adapters"
icon; "Silicon Image SiI 3132 SATALink Controller" should displayed correctly under the
"Device" and "Driver" tabs.
2. To view information about the devices attached to the controller, use the SiICfg Utility and
click on the device from the list.
Verifying Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 Installation
1. Right click on "My Computer" and select "Properties." Left click on the "Hardware" tab and
then on the "Device Manager" button.
2. Double-click on "SCSI and RAID Controllers." If there is no yellow "!" or "?" in front of "Silicon
Image SiI 3132 SATALink Controller’," the driver is started correctly.
3. To view information about the devices attached to the controller, use the SiICfg Utility and
click on the device from the list.
Updating the New Driver for Windows NT 4.0
1. Click "Start."
2. Under "Settings," click "Control Panel."
3. Select "SCSI Adapters" from the Control Panel.