1. The Shutter Release Button
is a
2-step type. The release pressure
will charge halfway through the
cycle. The first step light up the
metering related display. The
second step is the electromagnetic
shutter release position. (The first
position operates only when the AE
Prism Finder N is used.)
If the film is not completely
advanced, the Dark Slide is not
removed or the battery is
exhausted, the shutter can not be
released even when pushing the
Shutter Release Button.
After releasing the shutter, the
Wind-up Crank is unlocked auto-
matically, making it possible to
transport the film to the next frame.
When this setting is used, the shutter
speed is always 1/60 sec. regardless
of the Shutter Speed Dial postion.
When your camera is not in use, set
the Shutter Release Selector to the
red dot so that the power is turned
*In normal photography, set the shutter
Release Selctor to the “NORMAL”
(white square) position.
*Note: Always make sure that the
Shutter Release Selector clicks into
position. When the battery is
exhausted during photography, and
the shutter can not be released, set
the selector to the yellow dot, and
you will be able to use the mechanical
shutter at 1/60 sec.