Names of Parts
Loading Film
Always load film in subdued light to prevent fogging.
Open the package. Handle the film bag carefully and only hold it by its
edges. Tear the bag along the dotted line and remove the pack. Discard the
moisture-absorbing card packed with some film packs.
Unlock and open the holder’s back. Push up both ends of the back Door Latch
and open the back all the way. Be sure the dark slide is pushed all the way
into the holder before loading film.
Insert the pack into the holder. Hold the film pack by the edges and push
the closed end of the pack under the light shield, and then down into the
Make sure the white tabs are not caught between the pack and the
Close and lock the back by holding the back closed and push down on
the center of the latch. The black tab of the safety cover must stick out in front
of the latch.
Remove the safety cover by grasping the black tab, which is the end of the
safety cover. Pull the safety cover all the way out of the holder by pulling
straight and being careful not to tear it. When the safety cover is removed, a
white tab should stick out of the small slot next to the latch.